The work was arduous; we had hourly tick checks, and as some of us went home with poison ivy stings, others had thorns lodged in their skin. 我们每小时都要核对进度。回家的时候,我们有的人早已被有毒的常春藤刺得全身都是,其他的人则是皮肤里还残留着荆棘。
It is related to the mango, pistachio and poison ivy. 这是有关芒果,阿月浑子和又给。
Those'pretty red leaves'are poison ivy, young man. 小家伙,那些‘挺好看的红叶’就是毒葛!
She would've still been on steroids for the poison ivy. 那时她应该还在因为毒藤的缘故服用激素。
Remember what I taught you about the poison ivy, all right? 记得我教过你的毒藤的事,对吧?
One of my friends told me that when she was a Girl Scout leader, one of the girls told others that she had touched poison ivy before and she did not react to it. 有个朋友告诉我说她当年在童子军当领队的时候有一个女孩告诉大家说她以前碰过毒藤却没有任何反应。
Poison ivy trailed by the road. 路旁长着毒长春藤。
What if the poison ivy wasn poison ivy? 如果她说的毒葛并不是毒葛呢?
Poison ivy is a kind of ivy pretty widely spread all through out the U. 毒藤是一种在美国分布很广的藤类。
Either of two shrubs, Rhus toxicodendron of the southeast United States or R.diversiloba of western North America, related to poison ivy and causing a rash on contact. 太平洋漆树,毒橡:这两种灌木中的任一种,产于美国东南部的橡叶漆和产于北美洲西部的异裂漆,和毒漆藤有亲缘关系,而且在接触它后会长皮疹。
Poison ivy* Why wouid she heip freeze? 毒藤女为什么要帮急冻人?
The poison ivy treatment was steroids. 治疗毒葛用的也是类固醇。
They didn't appear for us until Poison Ivy had turned Arkham's sky red and we were on our way to stop her with the antidote. 它们在毒藤女将阿克汉姆的天空染红而我们正要去用抗体阻止她之前不会出现。
Poison ivy trailed by the road. The wall is overgrown with ivy. 路旁长着毒长春藤。墙上爬满了长春藤。
Poison ivy secrets an oily poison which triggers Immunoglobulin E response in human's immune system very strongly. 毒藤分泌一种能引起免疫球蛋白E反应的毒油。
She demonstrated it to others by rubbing poison ivy leaves all over herself, and then, she had to be rushed to the emergency room afterwards. 为了让大家相信,她把毒藤的叶子抹得满身都是,后来大家不得不把她送去了急诊室。
Ruffians, thugs, poison ivy, quicksand, Cannibals, and snakes, the plague, also large bugs, men with pointy teeth. 流氓,暴徒,有毒的藤条,流沙,食人族,蛇,瘟疫,甚至大臭虫和有锋利牙齿的人。
Antigens such as those in poison oak and poison ivy are most often responsible for this appearance. 如毒橡树和毒叶藤之类的抗原常引起。
There's poison ivy all over the place. 这里到处是有毒的常春藤。
Common lore often describes poison ivy as growing mainly in the woods. 通常认为毒藤主要生长在森林里。
He fashioned an enormous diaper out of poison ivy. 用毒藤编了一件大尿布。